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    Cissbury Walk

    This reflects the 10Adventures difficulty rating for each route. We aim to keep ratings consistent across regions.
    This reflects the estimated time the majority of users will take on this trail. If you are slower, add time to the top-end figure. If you are fast, then you may complete this route faster than this time range.
    This reflects the return distance of this route as measured by the GPS file.
    7.7 km
    This reflects the total elevation gained throughout this route as measured by the GPS file. This includes all ascents and descents, and is higher than what is quoted in most route guides, which simply measure the distance between the starting-point and high-point of the route.
    271 m
    User Ratings
    These ratings are completed by users who have completed this trail and not subject to reviews by 10Adventures.
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    Directions to Trailhead
    Cissbury Walk

    The Cissbury Walk takes you along the largest fort hill in Sussex and boasts beautiful views. Many animals, such as free-roaming ponies, live along this path. Take a heart-pumping climb up the Cissbury Ring and revel in the stunning scenery.

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    Route Description for Cissbury Walk

    The Cissbury Walk takes you along the rolling countryside and boasts stunning views after a heart-pumping climb up to the top of Cissbury Ring. Beginning at the stone track at the fenced fields, follow the path through multiple fields and into a valley known as Stump Bottom. After walking for 1.9 km, you will pass Lychpole Dewpond and pass a green metal barn. Continuing on about 70 m, you will pass through a wooden gate, which is the entrance to the Cissbury Ring. Continue to follow the path through a kissing gate, and take a minute to realize how high you have climbed. Once you reach the top, there are stunning views of Brighton, Devil’s Dyke, and Storrington. Continue to follow the path and navigate a kissing gate followed by another gate, and you will reach the car park where you began.

    Getting to the Cissbury Walk Trailhead

    To get to Cissbury Walk from Findon, head south on Horsham Road toward School Hill and turn left. Continue onto Cross Lane and take a slight left onto Nepcote. In 0.5 km, turn left and continue straight where you will arrive at your destination.

    Route Information

    • When to do

      May - October

    • Backcountry Campsites


    • Pets allowed


    • Family friendly


    • Route Signage


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    • Route Type


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