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    Mel DeAnna Trail Loop

    This reflects the 10Adventures difficulty rating for each route. We aim to keep ratings consistent across regions.
    This reflects the estimated time the majority of users will take on this trail. If you are slower, add time to the top-end figure. If you are fast, then you may complete this route faster than this time range.
    This reflects the return distance of this route as measured by the GPS file.
    5.3 km
    This reflects the total elevation gained throughout this route as measured by the GPS file. This includes all ascents and descents, and is higher than what is quoted in most route guides, which simply measure the distance between the starting-point and high-point of the route.
    112 m
    User Ratings
    These ratings are completed by users who have completed this trail and not subject to reviews by 10Adventures.
    Overall Rating
    This is the average user-submitted overall rating on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest.
    Physical Difficulty
    This is the average user-submitted rating on the physical difficulty of this route. In general, green is beginner, blue is intermediate, black is advanced/most difficult and double-black is expert-only. It is recommended that users build up to black and double-black routes.
    Easy (Circle)
    Suitable for beginners, families, young children, and those looking for a casual adventure.
    Technical Difficulty
    This is the average user-submitted rating on the technical difficulty of this route. In general, green is beginner, blue is intermediate, black is advanced/most difficult and double-black is expert-only. It is recommended that users build up to black and double-black routes.
    Easy (Circle)
    Suitable for beginners, families, young children, and those looking for a casual adventure.
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    Directions to Trailhead

    The Mel DeAnna Trail Loop is a 5.3 km hiking route near Castlegar, BC, that loops through the forest to visit the shores of a marshy woodland lake. The trail features interpretive signs that provide information on the surrounding area, as well as a good variety of terrain that includes forested paths, rocky sections of trail, stairs, and wet areas of marsh around the lake. This family-friendly trail is suitable for hikers of almost every skill level and the interesting terrain will make it feel like a full-on adventure for anyone travelling with kids.

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    Route Description for Mel DeAnna Trail Loop

    If you are looking to experience a fun nature trail with interpretive signs, then the Mel DeAnna Trail Loop is a perfect option to explore the natural beauty of the southern British Columbia landscape. Due to the proximity to water, you might want to bring bug spray along for this hike. The route sets out from the parking area and traverses a rocky stretch of trail and some stairs through the forest on the way to the edge of a small woodland lake. As you work your way around the marshy lake, you can stop to learn about the local flora and fauna from a series of interpretive signs that dot the trail. Continue on around the water’s edge and relax in the peaceful atmosphere of the moss-covered forest. Eventually, you will arrive back at the trail that led you to the loop, which you can take to return to your vehicle.

    Getting to the Mel DeAnna Trail Loop Trailhead

    To get to the Mel DeAnna Trail Loop from Castlegar, head south on Columbia Avenue for 2.5 km and make a left to merge onto BC-3. After 7.3 km, turn right to enter the parking area.

    Route Information

    • When to do


    • Backcountry Campsites


    • Pets allowed


    • Family friendly


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