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Hit Reset with Outdoor Adventures

By Nadine GravisGeneral

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In search of a lifestyle change? We’ve all encountered a time in our lives where we would have gladly welcomed a reset button--some type of conjuring force that would grant us a fresh start or a do-over. And while the prospect of an easy switch we could hit to instantaneously attain a state of reset is appealing, unfortunately, we all know that’s just not how life works. But if you could somehow manage to hit reset with outdoor adventures, would you?

So what exactly does it mean to hit reset with outdoor adventures?

Well, to begin with, the word reset is a verb, which implies there is an action to be carried out. Merriam-Webster defines the word reset as a transitive verb that means “to set again, or anew.” The latter part of this definition is the most interesting as it tells us that when someone resets, they aren’t simply going back to the place they started. To reset doesn’t just mean to re-organize, revamp and restart--it also means that we do all of these things in a new way.

Resetting outdoors

Resetting outdoors

5 ways to hit reset with outdoor adventures

Another way to think about resetting is to think of it as attaining a fresh start. A fresh start that allows us to take a new approach to whatever it is we’re facing. And although resetting the mind and body with outdoor activities isn’t as simple as pushing a button, it is something we can all do with relative ease to attain powerful results.

1. Unplug for a Day in the Great Outdoors

It’s incredible what a day away from our cell phones and laptops can do for us. It seems like such a simple thing, but hitting reset with an outdoor adventure like a day hike or bike ride can really pack a punch in terms helping your mind and body recalibrate. Whether it be work emails, social media, or digital communication, one thing that all of these have in common is that they pluck us up out of the moment we are presently in. Getting outdoors for a walk, hike or bike ride completely technology-free for a day will not only relieve you of the constant nag of the digital world but also allow you to be fully present in the moment. You’ll likely find that even just a single day of disconnecting digitally will grant you a renewed presence of mind and an improved focus.

Camping is a wonderful way to snap yourself out of the routine

Camping is a wonderful way to snap yourself out of the routine

2. Reset Your Body Clock with a Camping Trip

There is nothing like waking up from an incredibly restful sleep that leaves you feeling truly refreshed and restored. Unfortunately, however, poor sleep quality is far too common among adults today. But a study conducted by Current Biology may be the answer to resetting this important aspect of our lives. The study found that avoiding all man-made light for one week or more allows a person’s body clock to reset to its natural sleep rhythms. Cool right? And while technically one could achieve this in the comfort of their own home, camping is an incredible way to achieve this reset function whilst also having a ton of fun outdoors.

3. Reset A Relationship by Getting Outdoors Together

We’ve all been in a relationship situation where we feel like the communication just isn’t getting us where we’d like it to. From going around in circles to hitting dead ends, sometimes it just feels like you need to shake things up.

Hitting reset with an outdoor adventure can help you be active with a partner, family member, or friend, which is a constructive way to rekindle and tighten the bonds of that relationship. Whether you have a specific goal in mind or a more open-ended approach, challenging yourself outdoors with someone you care about can work wonders. Breath in that fresh air, stand in awe of the natural beauty that surrounds you and team up to tackle something great, whether it be a trail, a body of water or an overseas trip.

Hiking in the great outdoors

4. Outdoor Green Therapy

Not everyone is born with a green thumb, but everyone can reap the benefits of time spent outside getting some dirt under the fingernails! It’s long been known that spending time outdoors gardening is great for the mind and body. Fresh air, sunshine, and nurturing and caring for another living thing positively impacts the mind, body and soul. Gardening grants one time to reflect, the opportunity to be present in the moment and also offers a bounty of rewards. Whether you’re growing vegetables in your own backyard or planting flowers in a community garden, Green Therapy is a superb way to hit that reset button while taking time to care for yourself and for mother earth.

5. Set an Active Outdoor Goal for Yourself

Think back to the last time you crushed a personal goal and how that felt. That feeling is one-of-a-kind and the work it takes to get there is a great way to reset. Working towards a personal goal, whether it be cycling a certain distance outdoors or reaching a formidable summit, renders us anew in so many ways. By striving for a goal and challenging ourselves with an outdoor activity, we discount those negative thoughts that say we can’t do it. Once we achieve that goal, our mind is reset anew with the knowledge that we can achieve what we set out to do and this realization can positively inform every single aspect of our lives.



Remember, hitting reset with outdoor adventures isn’t just an opportunity to re-do things the same way

It’s about starting fresh and going at life with a new approach. Being active in the great outdoors affords us so many opportunities to reset that are certainly not limited to the 5 above. So if you’re in need of a reset in life but not sure where to turn, why not give one of these a try!




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