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    Mill Creek Hike

    This reflects the 10Adventures difficulty rating for each route. We aim to keep ratings consistent across regions.
    Very Easy
    This reflects the estimated time the majority of users will take on this trail. If you are slower, add time to the top-end figure. If you are fast, then you may complete this route faster than this time range.
    This reflects the return distance of this route as measured by the GPS file.
    2.6 km
    This reflects the total elevation gained throughout this route as measured by the GPS file. This includes all ascents and descents, and is higher than what is quoted in most route guides, which simply measure the distance between the starting-point and high-point of the route.
    88 m
    User Ratings
    These ratings are completed by users who have completed this trail and not subject to reviews by 10Adventures.
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    Directions to Trailhead

    The Mill Creek Hike near Kelowna, BC, follows a forested path to a tiny but scenic waterfall. The trail is easy to follow and not technically challenging, making it a great nature walk for kids. Families and dog owners seeking a year-round outdoorsy adventure will appreciate this short hike.

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    Route Description for Mill Creek Hike

    The Mill Creek Hike in the Okanagan Valley name is a short but worthwhile family-friendly hike, where you wind along an easy-to-navigate forested path to a lovely little waterfall. The waterfall may not be the biggest, but it’s still incredibly scenic. Dog lovers will appreciate this hike, too, especially since the trail follows the creek until the waterfall. Mill Creek Hike gives you a chance to get outside, moving, and immersed in nature year-round!

    Getting to the Mill Creek Hike Trailhead

    To get to Mill Creek Hike’s trailhead from Kelowna, make your way to Hwy 97 N/Harvey Ave/Okanagan Hwy/BC-97 N. Turn right onto Old Vernon Road and after 1.1 km, take a slight left for Spencer Road. Your destination will be on your right.

    Route Information

    • When to do

      Year round

    • Backcountry Campsites


    • Pets allowed

      Yes - On Leash

    • Family friendly


    • Route Signage


    • Crowd Levels


    • Route Type

      Out and back

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