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    Dundrum Castle Walk

    This reflects the 10Adventures difficulty rating for each route. We aim to keep ratings consistent across regions.
    This reflects the estimated time the majority of users will take on this trail. If you are slower, add time to the top-end figure. If you are fast, then you may complete this route faster than this time range.
    This reflects the return distance of this route as measured by the GPS file.
    0.6 km
    This reflects the total elevation gained throughout this route as measured by the GPS file. This includes all ascents and descents, and is higher than what is quoted in most route guides, which simply measure the distance between the starting-point and high-point of the route.
    23 m
    User Ratings
    These ratings are completed by users who have completed this trail and not subject to reviews by 10Adventures.
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    Directions to Trailhead

    The Dundrum Castle Walk is a short but fascinating adventure in County Down that will lead you around some historical ruins. While out walking the trail, you will make your way through a pleasant stretch of woodland terrain, before looping around the ruins of Dundrum Castle that date back to the beginning of the 13th Century. This is an excellent family-friendly walk that is well-suited for anyone with an interest in history.

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    Route Description for Dundrum Castle Walk

    If you enjoy short and sweet walking adventures that feature some interesting historical sites, then you will want to take some time to explore the trails of the Dundrum Castle Walk. This quick loop will expose you to the ruins of Dundrum Castle, which was built by John de Courcy at the beginning of the 13th Century during his invasion of Ulster and sits atop a rocky hill overlooking the village.

    Setting out from the trailhead, you will make your way to the northeast along the footpath, before quickly entering into the cover of the forest. From here, the trail will turn to the northwest and lead you through the woodland terrain, where you will soon exit near the ruins of Dundrum Castle. Take some time to appreciate the views of the historic stone castle, before arriving back at the trailhead where you began.

    Getting to the Dundrum Castle Walk Trailhead

    The trailhead for the Dundrum Castle Walk can be found at the end of Castle Hill Road in the village of Dundrum.

    Route Information

    • Backcountry Campground


    • When to do


    • Pets allowed

      Yes - On Leash

    • Family friendly


    • Route Signage


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